Winter {wander}land
I've always been one to find wonder in nature. To just stand in awe of creation and everything screaming out that we were made for so much more. Adventuring and seeing other people's vision come to life inspires me, causes me to dream, and breaks me out of the comfort zone we all get so accustomed to.
“...ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.”
Winter is usually a dead time in the photography world here at HLP, so we figured what better time to plan a shoot! This time, I let David and Bobby take the reigns so most of these photos are taken by and planned out by them {which worked out pretty well for Jordan & I}. So I'm basically letting them take control of the blog post too...Enjoy!
I'm only a part timer here at Hazel Lining, but even with my limited involvement it is clear we take our fun very seriously; and by that, I mean, we seriously have fun. At the core of our fun there is a light. There is a love. A love for photography. A love for each other. A love greater than distance, and greater than sleep (although sleep did put up a pretty good fight in the beginning there...). A love greater than the cold.
Adventure is something I always crave. Whether that be an adventure out into our society, into the wilderness, or discovering a place that is no longer appreciated in a way that it once was. Sharing this last adventure with Steph, Dave and Jordan is something I will always cherish. We were out and about, prancing around our community, ready to get our creative juices flowing. I had so many ideas and thoughts going through my head about what photos I wanted to take, where we were going to go, and what I was going to learn that day {I always learn something with Steph and Dave}. After every photoshoot I look at things just a little differently because every location is unlike any other and every person is so uniquely different. On this day, I was able to expand my horizons and test my creative ability. Steph pretty much handed us the cameras and said "go for it," so we did, and it was so refreshing to be able to get excited about the photos we were taking, and to express myself through the camera in any way that I pleased. Being surrounded by these very motivated, inspirational people, always picks me up, even if I'm not down. I cant wait for the next adventure.
When Jordan and I were walking back to my car from our first location, with numb toes and sopping slushing socks, my mind escaped to the warmth and I told Jordan how over the past summer I traveled to Texas for my friends wedding. From the time I stepped off the plane, to the time I got back on a week later, I did not stop sweating. It was not my favorite. I told Jordan that story and followed it up by declaring, "This is where I belong. In PA's humid summers and cold miserable winters." Sometimes living here may not be the most riveting experience but it parallels how each of us are meant to be exactly where we are. We are in winter because we are meant to be in winter. We are in PA because we're meant to be in PA. Don't wish for summer when you're in winter. Don't wish for Texas when you're in Pennsylvania. Jesus said:
“You’re blessed when you’re content with just who you are—no more, no less. That’s the moment you find yourselves proud owners of everything that can’t be bought. ”
The seasons of life will change. We will move on. As for the Hazel Lining team, we just like to document where we were, so when we are at a better place down the road, we can see our progress. We are excited to always move forward. Here's to our progress as friends, family, and photographers.